Produce Trends - July 18, 2022


The Lemon market is steady overall, with less availability of fancy grade fruit than choice at this time. The peak available sizing and grade has shifted from large fancy to smaller choice grade fruit. Availability has shifted from the Central Valley to the Central California coast (Oxnard/Ventura Country). Fancy grade imports from Argentina and Chile are also starting up at this time. See Lemon availability.


Cauliflower supplies out of Salinas and Santa Maria, CA are both good at this time. However, pest issues due to high heat and humidity are causing lower yields in parts of Mexico. Overall, sizes are peaking on 12ct, with lower availability of 9ct and 16ct. See Cauliflower availability.


Carrot supplies are now high as the Bakersfield, CA region is in full production swing. You can find a variety of grades on the Full Harvest marketplace, both organic and conventional. See Carrot availability.