Produce Trends - March 28, 2022


Cauliflower supplies continue to be limited. The cooler weather has slowed growth in the Yuma area. Organic Cauliflower is experiencing inconsistent production, which is creating limited supply and price increases expected to last for the remainder of the month. Supplies are expected to remain limited until the new northern crop production ramps up in April. See Cauliflower availability.


Markets are extremely light for all leafy greens like iceberg and romaine at this time. The growing region is transitioning from Arizona to California, and you can expect markets to remain volatile for the next 2-3 weeks as the new region gets going. See Lettuce availability.


California Navels will likely wrap up early this year in June, following the season last year lasting through mid-August. Typically, we see shorter seasons following longer ones due to the trees being tired and not having the energy to produce as much fruit. Demand remains steady across US Markets. See Orange availability.